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11. Personal Secrets Popular
This book is an erotic gay romance. It contains explicit language and lots of steamy sex between two hot guys. For readers 18+ only.

Blake Davis and husband Will are delighted when Ed Fellows turns up at the hospital the night their daughter is born—even if he is covered in mud from playing rugby and drunk out of his skull. Team-mate Colin is the Good Samaritan who drives him there, and when he takes Ed home, Colin finds himself on the receiving end of a blow-job. He has no problem with that whatsoever. He’s been in lust with Ed since Ed joined the rugby team some fourteen months ago. Only thing is, Colin’s assumed up ’til now that Ed is straight. Except the man sucking him off certainly didn’t seem straight….

Talk about the morning after the night before…. Ed awakens to find a nearly-naked Colin asleep on his sofa. The problem is that for some reason, he can’t get Colin out of his mind. Okay, so it wasn’t the first blow-job Ed’s ever gotten from a guy—or given, for that matter—but that was a long time ago, right? And why does Ed now want more?

With friends Rick, Angelo, Blake and Will to advise him, Ed finds himself on a completely unfamiliar road, as he struggles to accept that maybe the line he is walking isn’t as straight as he’d first imagined….

Author: K.C. Wells
Format: Paper and Kindle 285 page
Publisher: Island Tales Media
Guide price:* Book: £6, Kindle: £3.20

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12. The Foster Family Popular
Growing up in foster care has left Kerry Grey with little self-esteem or hope for his future. A college dropout, Kerry scrapes by on a part-time job at a garden nursery. His friendship with his boss and working with the plants are the only high points in Kerry’s life. He’s been dating the man who bullied him at school, but when his boyfriend abandons him at a party, Kerry wanders down the beach to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch.

Malcolm Holmes and Charlie Stone have been together for fifteen years. Despite Charlie's willingness to accept Malcolm's unspoken domination in bed,something is missing from their relationship. Early one morning, they rescue a passed out Kerry from being washed away by the tide and Charlie immediately senses a kindred spirit in the lost younger man. When Kerry’s roommate kicks him out, Malcolm and Charlie invite him into their home. As Charlie and Kerry bond over Charlie’s garden, Malcolm sees Kerry may be just who they have been looking for to complete their lives. All they have to do is show Kerry, and each other, that Kerry's submissive tendencies will fit their dynamic.

But someone is sabotaging Kerry at every turn. As he struggles to discover the culprit, he fears for the safety of his new friends. If Malcolm and Charlie cannot help, their lifelong search for their perfect third may not end with the happily ever after they imagined.

Author: Jaime Samms
Format: Kindle 330 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Guide price:* Book: £13, Kindle: £3.60

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13. The Wolf's Healing Touch (Wolves of Stone Ridge) Popular
Having been raised by his puma shifter godfather, Edwin Aldridge has always known that paranormal creatures exist. Edwin works as a genetic engineer, attempting to apply a shifter’s healing abilities to humans. When Edwin learns that another scientist has done something similar, he looks forward to reviewing his work. Edwin quickly becomes infatuated with Byron, the wolf shifter who delivers the information. Remembering his godfather’s stories, Edwin realizes the wolf shifter is his mate. Unfortunately, once Byron learns about Edwin’s research, the wolf shifter rejects him.

When Byron Ziegler scents Edwin, he knows the skinny government agent is his mate. He plans to pursue him, eager to learn everything about the human so they can build a life together. Then Byron learns that Edwin is a scientist working on shifter DNA. He’s devastated and turns his back on the human. While Byron regrets the decision, how can he bond with a man that wants to do the same thing as the people his pack spent years tracking down and stopping?

Will the mate-pull be enough to help them find common ground?

Author: Charlie Richards
Format: Kindle 104 pages
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Guide price:* Book: £, Kindle: £3

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Hits: [1312]

14. Trouble & the Wallflower Popular
Raised in near seclusion by an agoraphobic mother, Davy Cooper’s social skills are almost nonexistent. Now that his mother has died, he needs to make friends for the first time in his life. He catches Gavin Walker’s eye, but the sexy, confident, bad boy hipster intimidates shy Davy so much that he throws away Gavin’s number every time he offers it.

When Gavin defends Davy from a rude guy, Davy begins to warm to him. However, with his limited experience, he thinks he and Gavin are too different, and anything more than a casual acquaintance will end in complete disaster.

Author: Kade Boehme
Format: Kindle Edition 194 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Guide price:* Book: £13.50, Kindle: £4.50

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Hits: [1351]

15. Waiting for Rain eBook: Susan Mac Nicol: Kindle Store Popular
The village of Stamford, the quintessential chocolate box English scene, seemed an impossible dream for foster kid Toby Prentiss. Now he’s found a home among the haystacks and village fairs as the general manager for the Duck and Drake Hotel. With the fears and demons from his youth hidden away in this bucolic oasis, he’s very protective of who he lets in. Until he stumbles across shirtless carpenter Rain Engel building the hotel’s new custom-designed bar.

Working in the countryside, Rain prepared to face his biggest fear: sheep. He didn’t expect to deal with his second biggest fear: commitment. Toby’s controlled tough guy façade coupled with his “find happiness where you can” optimism calls to Rain like nothing before. While Rain may be an exhibitionist, his romantic history forces him to hold his emotions close. As their relationship develops, secrets from their pasts drive a wedge between them: the ex-boyfriend who tore apart Rain’s trust and Toby's history with the law. But can the secrets hiding among the quirky villagers bring them together? With missing sheep, pole dancing at the winter festival, and a crippling drought, everyone is waiting for Rain.

Author: Susan Mac Nicol
Format: Kindle 279 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Guide price:* Book: £, Kindle: £4.40

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