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1. Spartacus International Gay Guide 2017 Popular
The most successful travel guide for the gay market! A practical and easy guide: The important country information texts stand out in colour, distinct and colourful country and city maps assist rapid orientation, easy to find address listings for more than 160 countries worldwide in five different languages. Each country is introduced, describing the legal and social situation of gay men as well as notes on the culture. Contains over 21,000 addresses covering all aspects of gay life, from hotels to beaches.

Author: Spartacus
Format: Paperback: 1300 pages
Publisher: Bruno Gmnder Verlag
Guide price:* Book: £17, Kindle: £

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Hits: [2048]

2. Spartacus International Gay Guide 2017 Popular
Gay men have diverse wishes for travel destinations. The best confirmation of this is presented by the success story of the Spartacus International Gay Guide, which has been around for over 4 decades now. The new edition once again presents around 21 000 listed entries of interest to gay men from over 130 countries worldwide on over 1 000 pages. Whether it be a hotel in Palm Springs, a bar in Hong Kong or a club in Buenos Aires - no other travel guide offers such extensive information regarding locations where gay men are welcome and where they can be themselves. Each country is described in a detailed introductory text, which includes the legal and social situation for gay men as well as unique cultural characteristics of the country. Current information compact and at your finger tips.

Author: Spartacus
Format: Paperback 1000 pages
Publisher: Bruno Gmuender
Guide price:* Book: £14, Kindle: £

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Hits: [1029]

* Prices shown should just be taken as a guide as's prices can vary on a daily basis.
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